Abbreviated Resume

  • Education
    • University of Michigan, BGS 1970
    • Denver University, JD 1974
    • WGU, Teaching credential, 2007
  • Legal Profession
    • Member in Good Standing of the Alaska Bar since 1977
    • Charter Member Education Law Section of Alaska Bar
    • Past CLE Chair Education Law Section
    • Litigated Special Education and G/T matters/Court recognized expert
  • Information Technology
    • Experienced public sector systems administrator
    • State and federal experience
    • 20 years experience as professional systems administrator
    • Professional experience preparing documentation and providing instruction in technology
    • Served as technical staff for high school computer lab
  • Teaching and Instruction
    • AKDEED Professional (Tier II) certification (Grades 5-12).
    • HQ in Math
    • HQ in Social Studies U. S. Gov. and Civics (received Recognition of Excellence from ETS).
    • Experience teaching ESL History/Social Studies/Government, Child Development, Business (Computer Apps and Keyboarding)
    • Taught math for three years. Focused on remedial pre-algebra and algebra. Opened computer lab for tutoring and instruction as "Saturday School" teacher. Familiar with wide range of curriculum including but not limited to Heath and, McDougal Littel/HoughtonMifflin Algrebra and PreAlgebra, Mathscapes, EveryDayMath, SaxonMath, Number Worlds
    • Experience using computer based curriculum and supporting remote computer based instruction. Started AMP (Alaska Moodle Project) and currently Instructor for UAA ED565 (Introduction to Moodle designed to introduce teachers to course management software)
    • Used and supported Carnegie Math (Cognitive Tutor), Plato, etc at ASD and developed and maintained to support Plato and Cognitive Tutor
    • Three years coaching USFIRST high school robotics, past Board member of the Alaska Robotics Educatin Association. Provided Robotics Instruction on Fort Richardson to children ages 6 to 18
    • Four years experience coaching high school football
    • Written over $500,000 in grants,
  • Family Connection to Education in Anchorage, Alaska
    • Server on ASD Budget Review teams since practice initiated by Bob Cristal. Created the first on-line presence for an ASD Budget Review Team so as to make deliberations transparent:
    • Daughter graduated Bartlett, ASD and UAF. Son graduated West, ASD and is now at university
    • Spouse 16 year master teacher with ASD and SpEd Dept. Chair

This communication was paid for by Marc Grober, 5610 Radcliff Dr. Anchorage, AK 99504