I am please to have been endorsed by PPVA and ALIVE.
PPVA mission:
- Through reproductive health services, education, and advocacy the mission of Planned Parenthood of Alaska is to support the life-long sexual health of all Alaskans and to ensure that every child is a wanted child.
Who wants to argue with me over that goal? You may be surprised to discover that most of the candidates have adopted positions much more socially progressive (even Gov. Palin seems to have acknowledged that people who "promote life-long sexual health" and secure loved children). So if you style yourself a social conservative who believes that Lewis Black's homosexual wrecking crew has targeted you and if you refuse to vote for anyone who doesn't agree with you, you may have a hard time finding someone to vote for (though it seems that so many of the candidates who have signed their agreement with AWPC's goals have not publicly acknowledged their positions.) All I can tell you is that I will not make you happy all the time, but I will not dissemble either.
ALIVE members apparently were looking for independent thinkers willing to: a) stand up to the administration and b) stand up for three greatest resources: District parents, students and employees. Working men and women have organized to address a broad range of issues in this country since the early 19th century and have played a critical role in promoting and achieving safe workplaces and livable wages. While one hears a few rant about union negatives, much of this is baseless vitriol. AEA has still not recovered from concessions made years ago while those in other units are denied opportunities to realize a living wage and benefits so that, as Ms. Drummond might argue, others can purchase an additional latte a day. If you don't care about your employees you will find they won't care about you; how do you want your kid's lunch made?