Welcome! I created this site when I applied for a vacant seat some five years ago, and then subsequently ran for the same seat after the Board appointed Jeannie Mackey. While names and faces may have changed over the years, ASD is still very much the institution it was.
Of course, since then my daughter has become an accountant with a major Pacific Northwest non-profit by day and Stage Manages by night, while my son, having obtained his BFA, is a successful independent artist whose work is regularly featured in Anchorage (you can bit for his work at the American Diabetes Association Gala, so get your tickets now!) My domestic partner continues to work at ASD.
I have been tutoring Elementary, Middle School, High School and College students and like everyone else it would seem, blogging a bit. You can read what I have to say about this or that at http://opinion.alaskapolicy.net/pardonme/ .
The most effective "Suggestion Box" might just be located in your local polling booth. If you want things to be different then you have to vote for a difference; you have to vote Marc Grober for School Board Seat B. No other candidate has my background and experience, my involvement and commitment. No other candidate offers my ability to impose administrative accountability while offering comprehensive vision of education in Anchorage for the 21st Century.
As an educator who has served as a teacher in ASD as well as local colleges, an attorney who has focused on educational issues for many years litigating against ASD, as an IT professional who used technology to make the budget review process transparent (see, asdtech.wik.is) [Note: The site hosting this wiki, which the Budget Review Team created to address issues such as Zangle was shut down and the suggestion by Tim Steele that the Board maintain a community based IT review team was ignored by the Board once the budget process was completed. We have no institutional memory and continue to pay the price resulting from that], and as a community volunteer with experience not only serving on boards but experience advising them, I am ready to hit the ground running. As a parent of children who attended and graduated from ASD schools, as a volunteer supporting programs in our schools (computers, sports, robotics, etc.), and as an active member of grassroots civic organizations in our community, I have a very real sense of what is happening in our schools and how our community feels about it.
It is time to reforge the connection between our school administration and our parents, teachers and students. I believe I can help move us in that direction because I am up to date, down to earth, and ready to roll. Let's get back to work!